Remote Sensory Screening
Our online screening process provides a convenient way to identify sensory needs for yourself or your child using the Sensory Processing Measure 2 (SPM-2).
What is the Sensory Processing Measure 2 (SPM-2)?
The SPM-2 is a valuable standardized questionnaire for understanding sensory experiences and identifying potential areas of difficulty. This screening can help you gain insights into how you or your child processes sensory information, which can inform strategies to support their development and well-being.
It can be used on people from 4 months to 87 years old, and is divided into five age levels: infant/toddler, preschool, child, adolescent, and adult.
Evaluation using the SPM-2 scores is completed by an Occupational Therapist holding a Post Graduate Diploma in Sensory Integration Therapy. This complies with the pulisher's Level C requirements.
Our Online Screening Process
- Initial Sensory Screening: Complete the SPM-2 online questionnaire at your convenience.
- Consultation: Schedule a remote consultation with our occupational therapist to discuss the results and develop a personalized plan.
Sensory Integration Services
Initial Sensory Screening: This is an initial screening to help evaluate sensory processing areas of difficulty. First, you will be ask to complete an online questionnaire The Sensory Processing Messure 2 (SPM-2) see What is the Sensory Processing Measure 2 (SPM-2).
Once the online questionnaire has been completed it will be scored, and the evaluating OT will review and document the results. The document and evaluation notes will then be forwarded to you, this should take no longer than 5-10 working days. If you then decide to go ahead with a follow up consultation this can also be booked through bookings.
Cost: £100Extra form for Place of Education: This is an additional screening form that is completed by someone who has regular contact with the child or young person at their place of education. We strongly encourage this, as it allows for comparisons to be made between an individual's presentations across their differrent environments.
Cost: £25
Follow up Consultation: This is a follow-up consultation to discuss the results of the initial screening and develop a personalised plan. Note that an initial sensory screening would need to be carried out prior to booking a consultation.
The consultation is a 45min (video call meeting) plus writeup and can be booked with or after an Initial Sensory Screening.
Cost: £100
To book an Initial Sensory Screening and/or a follow-up Consultation please visit bookings
Also See Services and Prices
Benefits of Our Online Assessment
- Convenience: Complete the assessment from the comfort of your own home.
- Accessibility: Our online platform allows for flexible scheduling and remote consultations.
- Comprehensive evaluation: The SPM-2 provides a thorough assessment of your child's sensory processing.
- Personalized support: Our occupational therapist will work with you to develop tailored strategies to address your child's needs.
How Does the SPM-2 Work?
The SPM-2 is a questionnaire that can be completed by parents or caregivers. It consists of a series of questions about your child's behavior and responses to sensory stimuli. By answering these questions, you provide valuable information about your child's sensory experiences in various settings, such as home and school.
Why is the SPM-2 Important?
The SPM-2 can help you:
- Identify sensory processing challenges.
- Develop targeted strategies.
- Improve daily functioning, participation and quality of life.
Sensory Integration Interventions Pathway
The Initial Sensory Screening and Sensory Screening Consultation are part of our comprehensive Sensory Integration Interventions Pathway. This pathway includes a range of services designed to support children with sensory processing challenges. By enrolling in the pathway, you can receive ongoing care and support tailored to your child's specific needs.
Additional Services in the Pathway
- Occupational therapy sessions
- Sensory diet recommendations
- Home program guidance
- Parent education workshops
- Preliminary and Full Assessments
Also See Services and Prices
To book a Sensory Screening or a Sensory Screening Consultation please visit bookings
Or Contact Us
Contact us to learn more about our Sensory Integration Interventions Pathway and how it can benefit your child.